Today's weather was very bad. It was raining all day and cold! I went for a jog, but I went home soon because rain became so hard. I hope I can run well tomorrow even if I have a cold.
So, today's topic is "Happy." Happy had been a member of my family until December, 2011. Yes, she died. Actually, I could not see her off because I was in America... I could not see her last face....
I accidentally found pictures that were taken when I was little. In some of the pictures, there is Happy. While I was looking at the pictures, I felt so sad and missed her...
She came to us when I was a first grade student or right before I entered my elementary school. She was so small and cute! Of course, my brother ans I were also little. haha
Maybe at first, I didn't know how to interact with her. However, we were getting along! Although she liked meat, her favorite food was actually Japanese persimmon (柿). And she liked to walk and play with a ball!
She also got a spay surgery. It could not be helped. Anyway, we enjoyed spending time together. There are so many things we did that I cannot tell you all. I am sorry.
However, she got older faster than we do... :( Honestly I was worried if she would die while I was in the US. But I had to leave her. So, I tried to spend as more time as I can together before I went to America. After I got my driver's license, I took her some places she had never been.
Yet, as I was worried, she died in December, 2011 while I was in Ohio. I was so sad when my family told me that she died because I could not see her off as I said above. So, today, I saw her pictures, and I felt sadder and more missed her.
Hmmm... that is all for this time post... >o<。。。
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